Protecting the environment is our priority

Science-based targets
Piraeus Bank has set near-term science-based targets to reduce emissions by 2030. The targets have been reviewed and validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). Science-based targets show companies and financial institutions how much and how quickly they need to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

Environmental management of all our activities
The ESG Unit is responsible for the monitoring, management and the reduction of the environmental impact connected to the Bank’s activities. For this purpose, it has developed an Environmental Management System in all its branches and administration buildings.
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Climate risk assessment of business borrowers
As part of our corporate responsibility, we proceed with the financial assessment of the climate risk of business borrowers, focusing on important economic sectors that are material to the bank in terms of loan exposure, and vulnerability to climate change.
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Carbon Footprint
We monitor and manage the impact of our activities on the environment and calculate our carbon footprint each year, having set emission reduction targets for our operations, financing and investments.
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Sustainable Investments
For Piraeus, financing sustainable investments with a positive impact on the environment and the society is considered a cornerstone of its business strategy. Since 2010 Piraeus is offering specialized financial products and services focused on the market needs that contribute to a more sustainable economy.
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