Piraeus Epixeirein 360°

We support your investment plans with integrated solutions!

At Piraeus Bank, we seek to reinforce entrepreneurship by supporting small businesses and freelancers who have joined or will join subsidized programs (NSRF, RRF, Leader, Development Law), through an integrated bundle of products and services, Piraeus Epixeirein 360 °.

In order to meet the needs of businesses that will join a subsidized program, from the initiation of an investment to its completion, we have designed a set of benefits and solutions that will lead to success!

developing my business - piraeus espa 360

my business

Providing financial products and Integrated Framework Support

managing my business - piraeus espa 360

my business

Controlling cash flows

securing my business - piraeus espa 360

my business

Ensuring your investment with modern insurance programs

making my business more competitive - piraeus espa 360

Making my business
more competitive

Become a member of Yellow Business & psonizostigeitonia