Where it invests:
The Global Fixed Income Portfolio is a mutual fund that invests in a diversified portfolio of high trade bonds, and is valued in USD. Return is benchmarked against the performance of the Barclays Capital Glbl Agg Index. The fund’s investment goal is to achieve high returns over the long term, both in terms of income generated and in terms of the change in exchange rates for foreign currencies. It does this by mainly investing in fixed income securities from around the world, capitalising on the comparative advantages every market has to offer..
Who is it for:
Investors with a medium-term investment horizon of between 2 and 5 years, looking to place their money in more conservative forms of high grade investments from all around the world, while at the same time safeguarding their capital from exchange rate risk by capitalising on the strength of the US dollar.
This fund is also available in Euro as Global Fixed Income Portfolio (Share Class Euro), with the same portfolio structure.