Energy Performance Studies & Certificates

To enable you to calculate and certify the energy performance of your property and explore its energy upgrade potential, Piraeus Bank Group offers you a range of integrated services:

  • Energy Performance Certificates
  • Energy Performance Studies
  • Feasibility Studies for Energy Efficiency Upgrades

3 Good Reasons

We give you 3 good reasons to use our specialised green services

 1.  Energy efficiency determines the value of your property.

It is essential to know the energy performance of your property and explore its green energy upgrade potential when you:

    • Build, renovate or repair your property
    • Plan to upgrade it to save energy
    • Wish simply to sell or rent it

 2.  Energy upgrade means less environmental impact.

Our specialised green services will help you explore all the energy-saving scenarios for your property. Energy upgrades don’t just save you money. They also protect the environment for us all. To this end, we offer you the necessary technical know-how and help you carry out the energy upgrades every step of the way. 

 3.  Your investment may be complemented by a suitable loan. 

Piraeus Bank offers green mortgagehome improvement and consumer loans to buy energy efficient houses or upgrade the energy performance of your property. The loans carry very favourable terms.

Energy Performance Certificates

An Energy Performance Certificate certifies the energy rating of your property. It is mandatory when you are looking to sell or rent a property over 50sqm, depending on its use. To issue your certificate, we work with accredited energy inspectors, registered with the Energy Inspectorate Service (EYEPEN).

Energy Performance Studies

An Energy Performance Study examines the technical specifications of your property and proposes ways to save energy, such as to:

  • Optimise the bioclimatic design of the building envelope
  • Reduce energy losses
  • Opt for energy-efficient systems that cover your heating, cooling, air-conditioning, lighting and hot water needs using the least possible energy
  • Use renewable energy sources, such as solar thermal energy systems, photovoltaic systems and geothermal heat pumps
  • Install automatic control devices to limit unnecessary use of electromechanical systems
We work with experienced engineers on the energy performance studies, in line with the Building Energy Efficiency Regulation and the Technical Chamber of Greece guidelines.

Feasibility Studies for Energy Efficiency Upgrades

A Feasibility Study for Energy Efficiency Upgrade:

  • Evaluates the construction, current condition and systems of your property
  • Proposes alternative energy upgrade scenarios with green interventions. In each one it calculating the energy efficiency achieved
  • Connects each scenario to a financial budget and timeframe to carry out the required energy interventions.
  • States the energy upgrade profit and the environmental benefits from all the changes to your property in a feasibility study