Save time and reduce overheads
Use this service to batch manage payments, without restrictions on the amount or number of entries in the file. Speed up transaction times while retaining direct control over payments. Make immediate, low-cost batch payments by following the straightforward procedure.
In addition, scheduling your batch payments in this way by sending a file guarantees you lower fees than those for traditional remittances sent in-branch.
Data is checked by the system and transactions are secure.
The filed-based batch credit/debit service automatically checks the data in the file to ensure that the IBAN accounts are valid and that they match the stated beneficiaries to ensure that details match. If invalid accounts are identified as part of these checks, you are automatically notified about the results.
The online checks performed when payments are being made ensure transactions are safe and make it easier for you to get information about payments that were in fact made.
Monitor your payments
Use this service and get immediate updates about transactions entered into. Information is sent in the form of electronic response files that include overall and specific data about each payment. Electronic response files are easy to process and are supported by the software applications used by customers to monitor payments.