Maximum annual program indemnity limit: €30,000
Maximum Hospitalization limit: 365 days of hospitalization in an insurance year or between two consecutive ones
To calculate the maximum annual limit, the total amount of indemnity due to hospitalization in a private hospital is taken into account, as well as the amount of allowances paid in case of hospitalization in a public hospital.
In any case, the amount covered by the company cannot exceed the difference between the total cost of hospitalization and the sum of the final participation amount of EOPYY and any other public or private entities.
Private Hospitals Greece & Abroad:
The program works with the simultaneous participation of EOPYY in the hospitalization cost and the amount of reimbursement which you will receive, depends on the final amount of EOPPY coverage.
Final mount of EOPYY coverage |
Indemnity amount by NN Hellas |
Less than €2.000 |
Twice the amount of EOPYY |
Between €2.000 and €4.000 |
€4.000 |
Greater than €4.000 |
Equal to the amount of EOPYY |
The costs that NN Hellas takes into account to indemnify you, are the following:
1. Inpatient hospitalization:
- Room and nutrition
- Intensive care / high-level care unit
- Surgeon and anesthetist fees
- Emergencies
2. Short-day hospitalization:
- Medical treatments and diagnostic tests that are medically necessary to be performed within the hospital
- Surgical operations and medical treatments
- Chemotherapy treatments that are performed without inpatient stay
3. Radiation treatments without hospitalization (for radiation treatments, an amount of €500 is provided for each cycle)
Attention: NN Hellas will not indemnify you for hospitalization expenses in a private hospital within Greece or abroad, when EOPYY does not participate in the hospitalization expenses.
Public Hospitals in Greece:
- Daily hospitalization allowance of €60 for each day of your inpatient stay (from 2 consecutive overnights and up to 60 days)
- Daily allowance for rehabilitation at home, €30 for each day of your inpatient stay (from 2 consecutive overnights and up to 20 days)
- Surgical allowance up to €1,500 based on the severity of the (medium and above)
Note: The cost of the above allowances is taken into account in the calculation of the maximum annual indemnification limit of €30.000.
In addition, the program provides:
- Emergency air transport within Greece without participation and maximum limit. The transport of accompanying person is also covered
- Dr. Online service, which provides 24/7 medical information services, digitally
- Additional privileges in contracted hospitals
*The above is a summary of the coverages. The terms of the program are included in the insurance policy.