e-statements Piraeus

The e-statements service offers you access to the electronic copies of your accounts, cards and loans. Log in to Piraeus e-banking wherever you are, to view, store safely or print your e-statement.


Prompt information for free, wherever you are

Once you activate the e-statements service, your statements will only be issued electronically. Each e-statement contains the same information as the paper statement.

When a new statement is issued, the e-statements service, notifies you via email, free of charge. To view it, log in to Piraeus e-banking service. This way you have access to your e-statements wherever you are.

Convenient management

Each e-statement is an electronic PDF file. You can print and/or store it in your computer or in a data storage device, such as CD, flash drive or external hard drive.

You can file your e-statements easily. However, if you lose an e-statement by mistake, you can retrieve it easily. Via your Piraeus e-banking, you have access to your e-statements for the last 2 years.


The e-statements cannot be misplaced, lost or end up in the wrong hands. Only you, have access to them via Piraeus e-banking service. So you do not run the risk of someone intercepting your personal or banking data.

In addition, all information is transferred encrypted. For greater security, the new e-statement notification you receive via email does not contain transaction details.

Online and environmentally-friendly

Replacing a paper statement with an electronic one, you are protecting the environment. By saving paper you reduce the environmental impact of paper production: cutting trees, consumption of electricity and water.

It is one more convenient, cost-effective and safe way to reduce our environmental footprint on our planet.